At The Wax Room our aim is to offer our clients fast and effective hair removal in a comfortable and private environment. We use quality Australian Lycon and Mancine waxes and provide a range of aftercare products. Whether you are a nervous first time waxer or have been waxing for years we welcome the opportunity to meet you and provide you with a fantastic service. Below are a list of the services we provide as well as some common waxing questions and answers that may help with any questions you may have. Please feel free to call us should you have any further questions as we are here to help.
How long does my hair have to be to get waxed?
For body hair at least half a centermeter of growth is recommended. Particularily if you have previously shaved. Facial hair requires less length, but for best results three weeks between facial hair waxing is recommended.
My pubic hair is quite long. Should I trim it before coming in to be waxed?
If it is more than a few centermeters you can give it a light trim. Just make sure you dont accidentaly make some patches too short. Try to leave it about an inch long.
Why do people get brazillians?
Because it feels so good being smooth down there! Many clients comment that it feels much more hygienic too. Like the difference between having hairy or smooth armpits.
Does your brazillian include the bum crack being waxed?
Yes it does. Unless madame [or sir] would prefer an arse mullet!
How do I prepare for a Brazilian?
If possible don't come in straight after exercising even if you have bathed. Allow at least 2 hours for your core temperature to return to normal. Make sure you don't plan to exercise for the rest of the day after having a Brazilian. Apart from that nothing! We will provide you with a disposable G-string to wear during the wax which we will use to support the skin and ensure a thorough wax. Please ask your therapist for advice on preventing ingrown hairs.
If I leave a strip or triangle of hair at the top, is it still a Brazillian?
Yes it is. Many people like hair left at the top of the pubic area with it all off underneath. If you would like a thin strip of hair left going all the way down and over the labia, that is a G-string wax.
Once a month is the average. Some people with slower growth leave it up to six weeks.
Can I excercise immediatly after waxing?
Excess sweating is not a good idea immediatly before or after waxing. Particulary in the tropics.
Do you use warm/soft wax or strip wax?
Both. We use warm wax for facial, underarm and pubic areas, and strip wax for everything else. Sometimes we use strip as a tidy up wax on the top part of the bikini area.
How long will it take to get a brazillian wax?
Our brazillans usually take about twenty minutes on average, but times do vary depending on the hair growth.
The first time hair is removed by the root it usually does hurt a little. If repeated a month later the discomfort is minimal as the root of the hair has not had the chance to fully regrow.
How can I prevent ingrown hairs?
Exfoliating the skin with a brush or a loofa is always important. As is moisturizing if the skin is dry. If ingrowns still occour, we do stock and are able to recommend an ingrown hair treatment to suit your needs.
Please feel free to call us regarding any other questions you may have.