IPL Permanent Hair Reduction

What is IPL and how Does it Work?

Simply put, IPL is a light that is emitted in the form of a flash from an IPL device. It works by the light converting to heat when it comes into contact (is absorbed by) the pigment in our hair. This thermal energy destroys the hair by cauterising the vessels at the bottom of the follicle which feed and nourish the the hair. Only a portion of our hair is in an active growth cycle at any one time, and as only active hair can be treated, multiple treatments are needed. Even though IPL is initially a more expensive option than waxing, in the long term it is a very inexpensive, effective and convenient option. Especially for those of us living in the tropics where we show more skin far more often than our southern friends.

Some Important Information to Consider

All clients must book a free hair removal consultation before they begin to have any IPL treatments with us. Regardless of whether or not they have had one completed elsewhere. During the consult we perform a test treatment as well as discuss your expectations and provide you with pre and post treatment advice.

In order to book for your IPL consultation or a hair removal appointment you must always:

  • Be fake tan free on the area to get treated. This includes all home tanning products such as tan building moisturisers
  • Shave the corresponding area before your patch test? - a palm sized area on the treatment area will be enough with the exception of legs, arms, backs and chest. These areas require at least one quarter of the treatment area to be shaved.
  • Has it been at least 3 weeks since you last waxed if you are getting a consultation? Or 6 weeks since you last waxed if getting a IPL hair removal treatment?

Even though IPL is initially a more expensive option than waxing, in the long term it is a very inexpensive and effective option.



Full Leg + Brazilian + Underarm
3/4 Leg + Brazilian + Underarm
1/2 Leg + Brazilian + Underarm
Brazillian + Underarm
Lip + Chin
Side of Face
Standard Bikini
Brazilian - includes back area
Brazilian + Underarm Combo
Lower Leg - includes knees, feet + toes
Upper Half Leg - incluldes knees
3/4 Leg - includes feet + toes
Full Leg - includes feet + toes
Half Arm - includes fingers
Full Arm - includes fingers
Tummy Line
Other Area

Please ask about the price of IPL on any areas not mentioned above. We are happy to tailor individual packages to best suit your personal IPL requirements.



Speedo Line
Male Brazilian - includes back area
Front OR Back of Neck
Chest AND Stomach
Chest OR Stomach
Back + Shoulders
Full Leg
Full Arm
Bum Cheeks
Other Area

Please ask about the price of IPL on any areas not mentioned above. We are happy to tailor individual packages to best suit your personal IPL requirements.
