Spray Tans
All three of our salons now also provide Spray Tanning services.
We are proud stockists of Technotan, Australia’s new favourite tan. Please visit www.technotan.com.au for more information on this amazing product.
Tanning Prices
We charge $38 for our tans and EVERY 6TH TAN IS FREE.
Most of our range are two hour tans meaning you are free to bathe and dress as you like after the development time of just 2 hours.The appointment itself wii only take 15 minutes.
Before visiting us for a tan please read the following tips that will ensure you get the best possible results….
Pre Spray Tan Tips
- A tan is only as good as the surface it is spayed on to so it is important to exfoliate your body the day before your spray tan to make it last longer and reduce the chance of patchiness Pay special attention to elbows knees and ankles. Be sure to wax or shave before you are tanned as doing so afterwards will remove your tan. Neither should you tan on the same day as you have had a wax.
- Make sure any old tan (spray tan of self tan product) has been exfoliated off before getting a new tan. New tan on old tan never looked good.
- Have your skin clean and free of deodorant, oil/moisturiser and makeup.
- Make sure you are cool and not sweating when you come in as the tan will streak with your sweat. Allow a few hours between exercise and getting a tan as your core temperature will be elevated for some time after. In summer come in early for your appointment so you have time to cool down in our waiting room.
- Please point our any dry patches of skin you may have to your therapist before tan so we may tray the area with moisturiser to help prevent extra tan catching on these areas.
- Please wear/bring in LOOSE clothing that will not rub on your skin to wear home afterwards (preferably a dress) Please DO NOT WEAR A BRA until after you have had a shower. We sell Tanning Dresses if you do not have anything suitable.
- Remember to be conscious of any rubbing of the skin until your shower. Even a handbag over the shoulder will leave marks on a new tan.
- If you choose not to get tanned naked we provide a paper g-string. Please remember that the tan line from a paper g-string is not very attractive, so if this is a concern, bring knickers that you prefer the outline of.
- We provide hair nets to keep the tan out of your hair and your hair off you skin. For long hair a ponytail under the hair net is a good idea.
- If possible leave all jewellery at home.
- Before your first tan (at each location) you will be asked to fill out a client card upon arrival so we have record of your tan colour.
- The tanning process only takes about 10 minutes. However you MUST REMAIN DRY (includes not sweating or getting rained on!) and in loose clothing for 2 hours. (almost all of the tans in our range are 2 hour tans however a couple are 6 hour tans and which mean they take 6 hours to process not 2)
- You may leave the tan on for longer than 2 hours if you wish it will not harm the tan. It will probably deepen the colour a little.
- DO NOT USE SOAP to wash off the tan after the processing time. Simply rinse with water until the water runs clear. Do not rub the skin with a towel when drying off, pat it gently instead. Do not moisturise until the following day. Moisturising regularly for the duration of the tan will keep it looking great for longer.
- To prolong the life of your tan do not use soap or moisturisers containing Sodium Laurel Sulphates or Alpha Hydroxy Acids. If possible avoid excess perspiration and swimming in chlorinated pools.
- We stock a range Technotan Tan Extenders and Body Washes to keep your tan looking great and on for longer.